Hello friends and family; welcome to my blog! I hope to use this as a means of communication before, during, and after my travels to Africa. Thank you for your interest and support!
Contrary to popular belief, traveling is not all about getting away from life and jumping seamlessly right into a grand adventure. It is actually really, really hard. I haven’t even got on a plane yet, and I'm already exhausted! Currently, I am pursuing a study abroad program in Kenya for the summer of 2011. If you didn’t know, Kenya has a travel warning out which is scary! After many meetings, many forms, and many prayers I have not even been permitted to go yet, knowing that I could be in danger. I don’t say this to be overly dramatic, but I say this to be honest with you, my friends and family, and with myself.
The study abroad program is through the School for Field Studies; it is from July 11 until August 9. I am applying for the Community Wildlife Management program, meaning I get to go on safari and study animals all day! I also will be communicating with the Masai people and understanding more of their culture.
My phone interview for the program is this Friday, so please be praying for that! Also, I am waiting to hear back from the study abroad advisor, Michele, who is absolutely amazing. She has been working on more forms for me to fill out so that the Oregon Education System will permit my travel.
I know my life will involve Africa because this is something God has been consistently laying on my heart! It may not be this trip (although I hope it is) but I will be going at the right time!
To view the travel warning and updates please click here:
To view the program’s webpage please click here:
"God bless Africa, guard her people, guide her leaders, and give her peace" -Trevor Huddleston
You better post photos! Or if not post, I better see 'em when you get back :D