As it is the beginning of a new year, I find it a great time to share some of my own reflections. I am in awe of how fortunate I am. Truly! A lovely apartment with a great roommate, a supportive family and boyfriend, and friends who are understanding of how hectic my schedule is! I have a job at Institutional Stove Solutions (InStove) that is rewarding, frustrating, thrilling, and overall helping the exact demographic I have wished to serve. I have been able to delve into every area of the organization from development to manufacturing, finances to operations.
A few months ago, I went to my alma mater to recruit possible interns and raise awareness. I was honored to have some of my past professors ask me to share on my professional development and the organization. It was a wonderful way to share with current students that determination, excess consumption of coffee, and networking really does pay off!
Note: For me, it has always helped to be able to identify long-term goals and short-term actions. What can I do to make my 1 year goal a reality? What about my 5 year goal? I tend to write my goals down and plan out how I can achieve them.

In other news, InStove has a few proposals out to partner agencies that include me acting as a consultant abroad! If all goes well, I will be serving in Uganda and Kenya this year! Working at InStove has really peaked my interest in nonprofit management. I’ve been perusing online certificate programs in the subject and might start taking a few classes. Still, one of my goals is to get my master’s degree.