Wednesday, August 29, 2012

InStove Has Gone Viral!

Dennis and I with a couple of the stoves.
I am now the Executive Assistant at InStove (Institutional Stove Solutions) in Cottage Grove, Oregon. This summer has been a fantastic experience with an amazing organization. I was able to join and see the development occur right from the start; from applying for nonprofit status to creating employment applications. One of my main goals has been to increase our online presence including website development, a Facebook page, blog, Linkedin account, new email system, etc. I am gearing up to represent InStove at Green Festival in San Francisco, California in November.

It is so hard to believe that my dream to work for a nonprofit organization to increase international health equity (especially in Africa) has come true. Now, I can't wait to continue working and travelling abroad while  pursuing more job opportunities within the organization.

To learn more about InStove...
Website          Blogger
LinkedIn         Facebook

We have also been showcased in the Eugene Weekly on the front cover and with a two page spread. You can read it here at Eugene Weekly.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Institutional Stove Solutions

Well, I just graduated last Saturday and started my new internship the following Monday! It has been a fantastic experience and I am really looking forward to join the paid staff soon. The organization is Institutional Stove Solutions, and I am the Intern and Volunteer Coordinator (as well as wearing an array of other hats depending on the task). I have already integrated well into the professional world and am enjoying not having to prepare for any midterms or finals!

Our mission is to provide organizations with super-efficient institutional stoves serving populations in the developing world, that address three critical needs: food security, medical sterilization, and safe drinking water. Population growth, climate change, and regional conflicts over natural resources combine to create a global challenge as we enter the 21st century. Tens of millions of people now rely on institutional settings for their food security, including schools, orphanages, and refugee camps.

Institutional Stove Solutions is a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated for believe human suffering and the promotion of sustainable development. I am loving my involvement and looking forward to traveling to some of the African countries to help cooks use the stoves.