Friday, June 24, 2011

The World's a Better Place Because of You

Just think: I get to see this attractive face soon!
A couple of nights ago the stress of this trip and some other things in my life really got to me. I haven't been spending as much time with the Lord as I should, and I don't mean that in a checklist sort of way. I need to spend time in prayer for my own health, wellbeing, and sanity! I fell asleep praying and felt much more at rest in the morning.

Later that day, I received a wonderful card from a  family friend, Boz! Well actually her name is Lori, but when she and my mom travelled around Europe they picked up nicknames, hence Boz! It is a beautiful card with a little girl donning aviator goggles and a red cape on a tire swing with the verse 1 Peter 2:9 inside. The verse from The Message reads, "You are... God's instrument to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you." BAM! That is so true! I truly believe in the power of an individual's testimony: sharing what God has done, personally, in your own life. God does not "need" Christians to yell at people, dooming them for all eternity. Instead, Christ calls on me to share through my life and to speak of the difference He has made for me personally! Without my faith, I doubt I would have been brave enough to go to Kenya.

Boz truly lifted my spirits with that card and reflection, as well as provided a donation of monetary value! Thank you so much Boz and that card will be placed in full view.

More successful fundraising has been happening as people continue to donate their recyclable bottles and cans to me; that has been going very well! I also got a new brace for my knee today that actually *gasp* bends! i had knee surgery in May and was told I would return to 100% in two to three weeks. Unfortunately, there was more damage than was presumed and I am still dealing with it. This new brace should be a big help and make travel a lot easier though!

Days until Departure: 15
Days until Arrival: 

You are... God's instrument to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you. -1 Peter 2:9

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Oh the Joys of Preperation

Well, first off I successfully got my vaccinations (a couple of weeks ago)! I moved, took finals, and had knee surgery since the last post; life has been hectic! Anyways- I went to a travel clinic in Salem with my friend Jason and only had to get one shot for Yellow Fever! I also received prescriptions for Malaria and Typhoid. The consultant only charged me for half of the visit since it was so quick and she gave me great advice on health in general. Jason and I grabbed some Jamba Juice on the way home, and all in all it was a good little excursion!

I have been purchasing and organizing necessities for this trip for awhile now and there is so much stuff! Everything is going pretty well. I have separated items into different boxes based on what I will be carrying them in: backpack, carry-on, and a checked bag; but that is it! I don't see space being a problem since I am quite an efficient packer but I have to bring a sleeping bag, sheets, towels, a sleeping pad, textbooks, printer paper, etc. All of these items go beyond the typical clothes and toiletries! There are a few items that I am hoping to not have to purchase. If you would be willing to let me borrow any of the following items, I would be very grateful!
- Noise-Cancelling Earphones
- Sleeping Pad
- Headlamp
- Multi-Chambered Tubberware Container
- Clipboard
- Music
I would love for people to send me some of their favorite songs on a CD so I can listen to them on the multiple plane rides! Let me know if you could possibly support me and we can work out shipping or something. Also, what are your favorite books and movies? I am bringing my iPod and my mom's Nook (it is like a Kindle) so I can watch movies and read without taking up a lot of space in my luggage. Thank you so much and I hope you are all enjoying your summer!

For your entertainment: Packing Genius

Days until Departure: 18
Days until Arrival: 20

"Don't forget to pack your courage for your journey to greatness." - David Weinbaum