I am also needing to pay my final tuition payment soon and that leads me to share more exciting news: I have had my first donation! Thank you to Tim Blood! Uncle Tim lives in Oregon (unlike the rest of my dad's side of the family who live around the world) so we have been able to become quite close. A lot of my memories with him and his wife involve bike rides, hikes, and other explorations! Thank you both for furthering my ability to explore!
“Adventure is a path. Real adventure – self-determined, self-motivated, often risky – forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind – and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.”
– Mark Jenkins